Ingredients in making Kimchi

Garlic, ginger, and Chiness cabbage provide dietary fiber, which is vital for human sustenance.
Dietary fiber helps digestive enzymes to mix well with food in the stomach and the intestines.It also facilitates peristalsis, improving food digestion and absorption as well as preventing constipation. In addition,kimchi eliminates sources of disease and toxic chemicals within blood vessels, and protects against cancer. Kimchi seasonings not only add flavors and tastes, but also contain various healthy substances iber helps digestive enzymes to mix well with food in the stomach and the intestines.It also facilitates peristalsis, improving food digestion and absorption as well as preventing constipation. In addition,kimchi eliminates sources of disease and toxic chemicals within blood vessels, and protects against cancer.
Kimchi seasonings not only add flavors and tastes, but also contain various healthy substances.

Chinese cabbage
Baechu(English name: Chinese cabbages) suitable for kimchi look clean and fresh, with many green leaves and thin skin. Inner leaves should be tightly held so that few outer leaves have to be cut out. In the case of preserved cabbages, good ones look fresh and have green leaves. In the case of newly harvested cabbages, bigger ones are better. For autumn cabbages, middle-sized but heavy ones are prefered. Baechu(English name: Chinese cabbages) is full of vitamins and minerals,and has a lot of medicinal properties. Methylmethionine,a biologically activated form of methionine found in Baechu(English name: Chinese cabbages), helps treat Atherosclerosis. It is also reported that methylsysteinsulfoxid in Baechu(English name: Chinese cabbages) helps remove cholesterol.

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